Top 10 Signs You are Watching a Bad How-To Brake Video on YouTube

Everyday eight years of content are uploaded to YouTube. More than 48,000 videos have been uploaded on how to replace your brakes. Most of these videos show some idiot in a driveway replacing pads. Some do a good job, but the majority of the brake jobs are half-assed and the person would be better off taking it to a shop. Here are the top 10 signs you can use to tell if you are watching a bad brake video on YouTube:

10. It is from Expert Village.

9. Children are doing the work.

8. The guy is swearing and wearing flip-flops.

7. Guy needs to work on family issues more than his brakes (very funny).

6. Too much time is spent explaining and laying out the tools.

5. The video is longer than three minutes (this video is 28 minutes).

4. The guys are drinking.

3. The camera and editing software costs more than the car they are working on.

2. Sledge hammer used way to often,

1. It starts with a guy sitting indian style.