In Soviet Russia Grease Stops YOU!

About a week ago the new MC-1600 braking grease was unveiled to the patiently waiting automotive aftermarket. What’s so ironic about this product is it looks like a grease but acts like a super lubricant for your pads and rotors. Following a hands-on site test conducted by a Russian spokesman, the braking grease produced a significantly shorter stopping distance when compared to the leading brands in automotive lubricants.

Photo Courtesy: Scientific and Production Company VMPAUTO
Photo Courtesy: Scientific and Production Company VMPAUTO

On a basic Toyota Camry, the stopping distance was reduced from 8.5 meters to a measly 7.2! That’s an outrageous number considering all you have to do is add the lubricant.

MC-1600 also claims to:
– Eliminate brakes noise
– Possess a unique working temperature up to +1.000C
– Protect against caliper corrosion
– Protect against slide pins from jamming or blocking

But perhaps the most interesting thing mentioned in the promotional video was a statistic the company calculated on the causes of all accidents in Russia. The top contender coming in at a whopping 42% was of course ineffective or late braking. A grim message to drivers and yet maybe a helpful scare tactic in spreading brake safety awareness.