FOUND On eBAY: The Most Expensive Brakes In The World

Stay thrifty, my friends.

When scanning the interwebs for possible brake related news, a coworker of mine shared with me the most expensive set of brake pads I’ve ever encountered in my entire life.

About half a year ago, we did an exposé on a few sets of Audi brake pads that were priced equally to a brand new Fiat 500 or a Chevy Cruze. We found these prices so unbelievably expensive, we knew it would be a good idea to post the link for everyone to see.

Well, I can safely say that these new brakes we found put those Audi brakes to shame.

The Ceramic Raybestos PGD470QS Premium Pads featured on eBay claim to completely eliminate your brake noise and dust for only a mere $29,895.00. Compared to the Audi brakes (R8,A6,A7,A8) that were priced for only $19,900 for the set. By far the most absurd part of the entire product? The fact they are made to fit a Subaru.

Yep. That’s right. Not a Lambo, not a Rari, not a Bentley, but Subaru’s made from 1990-2000 for the price of a 4 year college tuition. Unbelievable.

Here’s a picture of $30,000 in the flesh.