CRASH: Canadian Driver Acquitted in Brake Failure Crash Case

Last May, Safe Braking Reported on a case were Carol Diane Muise managed to nearly kill a lady on here patio because here brakes had failed. Well, the verdict is in and she has been acquitted.

Even with a ash tray full of marijuana roaches, no brake fluid in the reservoir and three bad tires, she managed to get away with her crime because she was able to drive here daughter to a summer program earlier in the day. This lady should not be driving a child around in a vehicle in that condition, it is putting the child’s life at risk.

The real victim in the case is Pam LeBlanc. She was trapped under Muise’s car after the brakes failed making a turn into a Chinese restaurant. She has to live with Muise’s decision to drive a vehicles that should have not been on the roads.

It is a black eye for vehicle inspections. In Canada, a vehicle has to be inspected every two years. Muise’s last inspection did not spot the five critical defects.

Source: Herald News: Woman acquitted in crash case