The Best of Reddit: Just Rolled Into The Shop

What would it be like to be a mechanic? To have to deal with the day to day tasks of solving a customers automotive misfortunes, no matter how severe. But what causes a mechanic to become mind-boggled by a vehicle, so much that they have to put it up on the internet for others to learn from?

This post is dedicated to those kinds of people, each and everyday making the lives of mechanics harder and harder.

First up, a brothers comparison between two brake pads. What was he thinking?

Next, we have an average case of “squeaky brakes”.

Second to last, we have a woman who came into the shop complaining that her brakes made her “veer left” when she pushed them. I wonder why?

Lastly, a severe case of brake failure. The irony is that the women wasn’t originally coming into the shop to get her brakes checked!

If there is anything to learn from the misfortunes of these people, it is to always get your brakes regularly checked for faults or errors. The last thing you need to risk losing on the road is the device that brings your car to a stop. Next time you think about putting off your brake check, think about how your actions could affect other people.