No Sole Woman Crashes Into Shoe Store

Alice,Texas-  A 72-year-old woman crashed into a Shoe Store on Wednesday after attempting to park her Nissan Cube in a parking space right at the front of the store. Police reports say the failed to control her speed and mistakenly accelerated the vehicle forward through the store instead of braking.

The woman not only crashed the vehicle through the front window of the store causing damage to the window, but also to the window pane, multiple display cases and even some merchandise.

Photo Courtesy: Claudia Garcia
Photo Courtesy: Claudia Garcia

Alice Police Chief Randy Weems said the driver was not cited for her recklessness because it is private property. Charges have not been filed.

Do you think she deserves to be cited for crashing through the store? If not, what should she do to compensate for her actions? Leave your comments below.

For the original story, please visit Alice Texas News