Local Mom Reluctant To Buy New Brakes

This piece of satire comes from the Gomer Blog and makes the analogy between child hood vaccines and brake pads. Imagine if a mother refused to give her child a vaccine solely based on “information” found on the internet. Although it is always best to do your research before making a big decision, it is imperative to know the facts and to have a reliable source of information and expertise. 

Local mom Jennifer Lee, brought in her Acura MDX for its annual maintenance.  Her mechanic recommended she install new brake pads, a routine recommendation. “I saw they were getting low and I mentioned this would be a good idea. It prevents against future accidents, I guess you could say it’s a prevention plan,” Mike the mechanic told reporters.

“NO THANK YOU!” Jennifer responded. “I have done my research and been on plenty of online forums to know that new brake pads are not safe for my car.” She continued to rant, “I’ll stick with the brake pads that naturally came with my car; it’s more natural.”

Mike, who has been working on Acuras and Hondas for over a decade, was taken aback by this brash comment. “One would think that something simple and preventable as replacing your brake pads would be a non-issue.  People have been replacing brake pads for years and no one has ever linked it to adverse effects.” said Mike confidently. He went on to compare the thousands of accidents linked to poor brake pads versus the couple cases where a new brake pad caused minor trouble like squealing or a little dust.

Read the full story at Gomer Blog