Drunk Driver In India Injures Eight: Blames Brake Failure

Deccan Gymkhana, India- Mahesh Sardesai, a 47 year-old Indian citizen is accused of drunk driving and negligent driving resulting in eight people injured at the scene of the crash. According to police, the incident took place around 5 pm. Sardesai was driving at high speed and lost control of the steering wheel. With the extent of damage incurred, an angry crowd started beating up Sardesai.

Once police arrived, Sardesai was immediately transported downtown for questioning. There was so much confusion following the accident, that people just started rounding up the injured and took it upon themselves to take them to the hospital for medical treatment.

Shital Gaikwad, a cashier at nearby Ku-koochku restaurant said, “I heard brakes screeching and rushed to the spot and saw an injured girl. I stopped an auto and instructed the driver to take her to a nearby hospital. She was shifted because her injuries were severe.”

When asked about the incident, Sardesai lamented, “It is not my fault. The brakes of my car failed, which is why I swerved to the left. I was trying to stop the car from hitting more people.”

Police said that Sardesai is a spare-parts dealer and owns a shop in Vadgaonsheri. Senior police inspector Manohar Joshi, in charge of Deccan Gymkhana police station, said, “Sardesai was found in an inebriated condition.”

Currently, his charge is being processed by the local Indian police department and intends to plead innocent on all charges. Which in my opinion doesn’t make any logical sense because if in fact he was experiencing brake failure at the time of the incident, an eye-witness wouldn’t have said he heard a brake screech.

The people of the town hate this man so bad, they are running this picture of him all over the news media outlets.

Photo Courtesy: Pune Mirror News
Photo Courtesy: Pune Mirror News