Brake Failure Sends Van Into Water at Belleair Beach

A van ended up in the water at the Belleair Beach Causeway Friday afternoon after experiencing brake failure.

According to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, the party involved was attempting to lower their jetskiis in the water at the dock when everything went downhill.

The driver said her brake pedal went right to the floor and the van slipped into the water.

Photo Cred:  Andrea Sauvageot
Photo Cred: Andrea Sauvageot

“We did confirm that it was in fact a mechanical failure. We found the brake fluid on the ramp and then when we pulled the vehicle out it was obvious it was a brake failure. The pedal went right to the floor,” said Deputy Scott Vaughn.

Bystanders stated the van’s door was ajar and got caught on the dock so the van didn’t go completely under.

“The only thing sticking out was the roof and the front windshield and the door that was open and attached to the dock, so other than that everything was underwater,” said witness Josh Eldridge. “There was a jet ski trailer on it and the entire back of the van was underwater.”

Deputies said a woman was inside the car. Luckily, her rational thinking lead her to wait for the water to settle, and resulted in her escaping through an open window.

“If the door wasn’t open that van would have been completely in the water and I mean who knows, they could have gotten stuck in the van or drowned. You know you never know. But thank God everything worked out pretty good,” said Eldridge.

Deputies said the woman did the right thing in this case. They said she didn’t panic and she was able to get out.