POV: Brake Failure As It Happens

Picture this: You’re on your way home from work. It’s been a long day, maybe your boss chewed you out for something you didn’t do or maybe your coffee spilled all over your new leather jacket. Whatever the case, it is just not your day. So you finally get off work and are starting your commute home. You look ahead and you see a sea of red brake lights illuminate. You are not keeping a safe distance behind the car in front of you but immediately slam on your brakes. The pressure beneath the pedal is no longer present and you propel forward, slamming into anything and everything that stands in your way. Destruction occurs.

This is what it must of felt like being behind the wheel of a speeding car with no brakes. Hopeless, doomed and subjected to the mercy of a metal tomb. Watch what happens as you enter the first-person experience that is brake failure.