Brake Pad Replacement Number One Auto Repair Job In 2013 recently released its list of the Top Ten Auto Repair Jobs for 2013. Standard wear and tear jobs dominated, and other cyclical repair jobs, such as Alternator, Water Pump, Timing Belt and Spark Plug replacement rounded out the list, but Brake Pad replacement came in at number one. The company also looked at the average age of the top ten most repaired vehicles, which came in at 11 years.

Brian Hafer, VP Marketing at commented on the list stating “This Top Ten list is continuing evidence that consumers are holding and repairing their vehicles, and that the vehicles they are driving are lasting and serving their owners well, the most researched repair estimates are for parts that have a shorter life span than most of today’s vehicles, and certainly than the average age of the top ten most repaired vehicles, which was 11 years.”

The Top 10 Auto Repairs Jobs of 2013*

1. Brake Pads Replacement

2. Alternator Replacement

3. Water Pump Replacement

4. Timing Belt Replacement

5. Spark Plugs Replacement

6. Fuel Pump Replacement

7. Brake Rotor Replacement

8. Radiator Replacement

9. Engine Mount Replacement

10. Catalytic Converter Replacement

“We believe that this list is a further testament of the durability of the vehicles on the road today,” said Hafer. “And that the savvy consumers measured in this list are going online to research and request repair estimates keeping repair shops and service centers busy as they maintain their vehicles for the long term.”

For the original story, please visit Yahoo! Finance