Brake Failure Causes Fatal Two-Way Big Rig Crash

Newcastle,Australia- Two semi-trucks were involved in a collision last night after one of the involved experienced brake failure, sending the big rig on a bee-line path of destruction into the other truck.

Photo accreditation: Newcastle Herald

As of right now, police aren’t exactly sure if brake failure was the cause of the accident, and if it was, what caused the big rigs brakes to fail.

What makes this story extra interesting is that both trucks involved were driving on the side of a steep embankment when the crash occurred, resulting in both trucks going over the guard rail and sliding 80 feet to the bottom of the hill.

Unfortunately the first truck driver, who is still unnamed, was immediately killed when the accident occurred, while the other driver remains in critical condition at a local hospital.

Crash experts have viewed footage of the crash from a third truck that was trailing the other two.

For the original story, please visit Newcastle Herald