Brake & Front End To Host Free Brake Webcast Dec. 10

Akron,Ohio- Brake & Front End magazine will host a new webcast on automotive brake technology. The free webcast will air on Tuesday, Dec. 10, starting at 6 p.m. EST.

Presented by Bob Pattengale, the webcast will provide important insight on the impact of ABS, stability control and traction control as they relate to braking performance and service in the automotive industry. This free webcast is co-sponsored by Bosch Diagnostics and produced by AVI.

This webcast provides important information no other online webcast can provide. When tuning in, you are automatically exposed to the ever-changing world of automotive brake technology while learning key lessons and having fun along the way. The best part is, it’s FREE!

This is a great opportunity to learn more about brakes and it is sure to be an experience you’ll never forget!

Those interested in the webcast can visit at