New Study: Statistics Show Drivers Are More Reckless Than Before

According to a recent study conducted by the insurance company Direct Line, sixty-nine percent of drivers admitted to putting others at risk by breaking traffic laws while coincidentally ninety-nine percent of them also claimed that they were comparatively safe drivers.


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The study goes on to describe responses from 1,000 drivers, and revealed that 35% said they broke laws because they believed they could handle the situation, while 33% admitted they did not pay enough attention while at the wheel.

Just based on these facts, it is safe to say that there is a lot of vagueness when determining the real safety of your surroundings on the road. If drivers know they are being reckless, why don’t they do anything to stop it?

Only ten people out of the thousand surveyed actually admitted to knowledge of possible consequences resulting from their unsafe driving while the other ninety-nine percent said their reckless actions were not specifically malicious to other drivers.

Drivers need to be aware of their responsibility on the road.