13% of Brake Pads Available in China Do Not Meet Government Standards


Even China is saying some of their brake pads are not up to standards. In a recent investigation by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIO), it found that more than 13 percent of Chinese automobile brake pads fail to meet national standards. The news story did not specify if the substandard pads were only for the Chinese market or export.

IMG_9059The AQSIQ investigation tested a total of 129 different brake pad products from different manufacturers located in ten different provinces and municipalities. Of the 129 brake pads tested, 17 were found to not meet national standards. The amount is equivalent to over 13 percent of all the brake pads tested, a relatively high proportion when compared to other auto parts. The testing standards were not released by the agency. But, China has adopted Western testing standards like Chase, Fast and SAE Shear testing at the manufacturing level.

This story brings up an interest point about the US brake pad market. The US market does not have any Federal performance standards and only very few states have standards for material content for replacement linings.  But, the US does have labeling laws that require edge codes.

Does this mean you have a 13% chance of installing a sub-standard brake pad if it comes from China? Probably not. If you are buying from a reputable source selling a reputable brand that screens their imported products and offshore suppliers, chances of getting a bad pad are low.